Editor-in Chief: Cities in the Past and Cities in the Future

Cities in the Past and Cities in the Future

According to the accumulation of civilization so far, we can observe that the universe has systematic relationships within itself that we have not yet discovered and cannot fully perceive. The strength and prevalence of this systematic relationship ensures continuity among both inanimate and living beings. As long as this continuity is known and controlled, the evolutionary process develops as expected or hoped for.

Undoubtedly, the world of the future 500 years from now, our planet of the last ten thousand years, will go beyond comprehensive life or colony and will be flooded with nearby planets and exoplanets. Until we reach this stage, the near future in 100-500 years, the creation of mega living spaces /structures on our globe that can remain suspended in layers such as underground, ocean bottom, underwater, above ground, atmosphere, troposphere, stratosphere… ionosphere, which have remained untouched for the last ten thousand years will show us its creation and management.

Although we cannot fully discover the functions of the especially the ancient megastructures last ten thousand years ago, we see that they serve as a focus and example for other structures. However, the traces of civilization in the structures that constitute the living spaces of the last thousand years are seen to be much fainter than those of the last ten thousand years, and this is seen as an extremely worrying situation for human beings. The resistance of brick, metal, and plastic structures to a global disaster, triggered by environmental factors, makes today’s concept of “resilient cities” much more important and priority.

The “trace of civilization” that connects the past and the future for the last ten thousand years has remained physically and structurally faint in the last thousand years. This situation in the physical environment and living space, along with the withdrawal of human beings to the digital and virtual, the development of artificial intelligence and the process of evolving into humanoid beings, is turning the normal life dimension upside down and moving towards an “etheric” dimension. Unfortunately, we regret that we cannot fully express with today’s scientific data how desirable this trend will be for our species.

Our 61st issue is with you!

Dear readers,

We kindly request that our Special Issue Call Text, which was received by our Editorial Board at the beginning of 2024 with the theme of “Sustainable Human Development and City“, be shared by you, our readers and writers, in academic media.

This issue of our magazine contains 20 articles about the city from different perspectives. Our 83 referees, who work to evaluate articles suitable for their fields of study from different universities in Türkiye and the world, have made great contributions to the scientific quality of the published articles. Likewise, in our articles published in this issue, there were 13 field editors, six foreign language editors, three statistics editors and three Turkish language editors within the scope of the article topic. We have 10 editors who spend their valuable time at the editorial board meetings where all these efforts are combined, offering ideas to always improve the quality of our magazine.

In order not to compromise the publication quality of our Kent Academy journal, each article process is carried out meticulously with the principle of respect for hard work. It is not only reader oriented. We work with an editor, referee and author-friendly approach. We would like to thank all the scientists who contributed to the creation of our issue.

Stay well, with the hope of meeting you with new successes and good news in each new issue.

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