Aylık arşivler: Ağustos 2022

Kent Akademisi Cilt: 15, D.Ü. II. Uluslararası Mimarlık Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı

Dergimizin 15. Cilt, Dicle Üniversitesi II. Uluslararası Mimarlık Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı yayınlandı. Okumaya devam et

Design: Processes Changes / Transformations… | Tasarım: Süreçler Değişimler / Dönüşümler…

Chief Editor

On behalf of the editorial board

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Design: Processes Changes / Transformations…

As we can change, transform and increase our awareness, we grow, whether institutionally or individually. The universe has achieved this situation since the beginning of its unknown existence. Likewise, we are humans who continue to achieve this.

In the century that we are witnessing rapid changes in every field. These changes will inevitably be reflected in design thinking and the built environment. In a changing and transforming world, the DICLE  UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE organized the second INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE SYMPOSIUM  with the main theme of “DESIGN: PROCESSES / CHANGES / TRANSFORMATIONS”. (11-12 October 2021) In the symposium, changes and transformations were discussed in the sub-themes of Sustainability, Design and Planning, Design and Technology, Art and Architecture, Historical Environmental-Cultural Heritage and Architectural Education, with the perspectives of the participant’s knowledge and experience.

In this symposium, we would like to thank everyone, especially the selective and evaluative editor and the referee committee, who contributed to the creation of the special issue containing the papers selected from the symposium as a result of the joint work with the Dicle University Faculty of Architecture.

Dear Readers and Dear Authors;

We are together with a special issue in our 51st publication. As a publication policy, Urban Academy prefers to publish themed issues instead of special issues. Even so, when the subject is design, change, transformation and creation processes, We became a stakeholder in Dicle University II. International Architecture Symposium with the support of the publication.

36 papers were proposed to this issue of our journal by pre-selection from the papers presented at the symposium, 22 of them were re-evaluated by our Integrated Editorial Board and received Pre-Acceptance for uploading to the system. 18 of the Pre-Reviewed were uploaded to the system, and 13 of them passed the refereeing process successfully and were found suitable for publication.

Change in Our Fee Policy!

Our journal’s publication charge policy has been updated by the decision taken at the ordinary meeting dated 05/07/2022 and numbered 51/2022/3/1.

Accordingly, to cover the publication and process costs of our journal decided to charge a publication fee. For domestic authors, 500 TL, For the foreign author, 50 USD. Details on our publication fee policies can be accessed from the “Publication Fee Policy” menu of our journal. Okumaya devam et

Kent Akademisi 15. Yıl Sayı Albümü | Urban Academy 15th Anniversary Issue Album

Kent Akademisi 15. Yıl Sayı Kapakları Albümü.

Sayı kapaklarımız, son 5 yıldaki sayılarımıza aittir. Albümümüz yıl sonunda yeniden güncellenecektir.

Urban Academy 15th Year, Number cover album of the last 5 years. Our Issue Covers Album will be updated again at the end of the year.