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Editorial Letter: Sustainable Development and Urban | Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Kent

Sustainable Development and Urban

To the new century, with a new publishing period!

Dear readers, writers, field editors who supported us during the publication process, and our distinguished referees, whose number exceeds thousands.

While till these days there was always the usual regularity of uncertainties about the future, after the second quarter of the 2000s, the prediction of the future that awaits humankind has never been this difficult from prehistory to today. Because in those times, there were no large-scale macro variables regarding the basic building block of our earth. Additionally, there was no Okumaya devam et

Change your attitude before the climate changes | İklim değişmeden tutum değişikliği…



Chief Editor

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Change your attitude before the climate changes

İklim değişmeden tutum değişikliği…

Just like the biological evolution of humans, which has been going on for a hundred thousand years, the sociological and psychological evolution has also continued. Our species has also developed its own social behaviors since they began to live in communities as they learned and improved how to use tools. Shortly, our biological evolution continues in psychological and sociological dimensions.

Even though our universe, which is evolving from chaos to cosmos, has coded the default setting of human beings that we mentioned in the above paragraph into its nature, humanity has tended to evaluate its egocentric approach in a cultural mention. In this context, social rules have developed more and more every day since the hunter-gatherer period. Totems have evolved into religions, religions have evolved into moral and legal rules, and legal rules have evolved into ethical and universal legal rules. Today, the law and ethical rules are evolving towards algorithms, the extension of big data.

With the social rules that digital technology is transforming into algorithms, radical precautions are sought for threats against an uncontrolled power to destroy the world or the civilizational accumulations brought by mankind these days. Mankind has realized that the destruction caused to the environment, largely due to economic competition, will render today’s world unlivable, and that this is about to reach irreparable dimensions, and in this context, global action unions and environmental standards have begun to be put forward. We have devoted our next issue to the topic of Global Climate Change. Articles on this topic are starting to come in. We are afraid that all of them will not be able to reach the next issue and will hang on to our December issue. Okumaya devam et