Etiket arşivi: editorial letter

From The Editor: Optimal Transformation for Sustainability

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN | Editor-in-Chief

Optimal Transformation for Sustainability

Isn’t optimal transformation, the default setting of the universe, also a function of the concept of longevity? This is true not only for the transformation of living beings but also for the transformation of all living and non-living nature and, on a broader scale, for the transformation of systems and institutions. In this context, the reality of the lifespan and, consequently, the transformability of everything—especially states—emerges as one of the most evident phenomena.

Okumaya devam et

Editor-in Chief: Cities in the Past and Cities in the Future

Cities in the Past and Cities in the Future

According to the accumulation of civilization so far, we can observe that the universe has systematic relationships within itself that we have not yet discovered and cannot fully perceive. The strength and prevalence of this systematic relationship ensures continuity among both inanimate and living beings. As long as this continuity is known and controlled, the evolutionary process develops as expected or hoped for.

Undoubtedly, the world of the future 500 years from now, our planet of the last ten thousand years, will go beyond comprehensive life or colony and will be flooded with nearby planets and exoplanets. Until we reach this stage, Okumaya devam et

Design: Processes Changes / Transformations… | Tasarım: Süreçler Değişimler / Dönüşümler…

Chief Editor

On behalf of the editorial board

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Design: Processes Changes / Transformations…

As we can change, transform and increase our awareness, we grow, whether institutionally or individually. The universe has achieved this situation since the beginning of its unknown existence. Likewise, we are humans who continue to achieve this.

In the century that we are witnessing rapid changes in every field. These changes will inevitably be reflected in design thinking and the built environment. In a changing and transforming world, the DICLE  UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE organized the second INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE SYMPOSIUM  with the main theme of “DESIGN: PROCESSES / CHANGES / TRANSFORMATIONS”. (11-12 October 2021) In the symposium, changes and transformations were discussed in the sub-themes of Sustainability, Design and Planning, Design and Technology, Art and Architecture, Historical Environmental-Cultural Heritage and Architectural Education, with the perspectives of the participant’s knowledge and experience.

In this symposium, we would like to thank everyone, especially the selective and evaluative editor and the referee committee, who contributed to the creation of the special issue containing the papers selected from the symposium as a result of the joint work with the Dicle University Faculty of Architecture.

Dear Readers and Dear Authors;

We are together with a special issue in our 51st publication. As a publication policy, Urban Academy prefers to publish themed issues instead of special issues. Even so, when the subject is design, change, transformation and creation processes, We became a stakeholder in Dicle University II. International Architecture Symposium with the support of the publication.

36 papers were proposed to this issue of our journal by pre-selection from the papers presented at the symposium, 22 of them were re-evaluated by our Integrated Editorial Board and received Pre-Acceptance for uploading to the system. 18 of the Pre-Reviewed were uploaded to the system, and 13 of them passed the refereeing process successfully and were found suitable for publication.

Change in Our Fee Policy!

Our journal’s publication charge policy has been updated by the decision taken at the ordinary meeting dated 05/07/2022 and numbered 51/2022/3/1.

Accordingly, to cover the publication and process costs of our journal decided to charge a publication fee. For domestic authors, 500 TL, For the foreign author, 50 USD. Details on our publication fee policies can be accessed from the “Publication Fee Policy” menu of our journal. Okumaya devam et

Change your attitude before the climate changes | İklim değişmeden tutum değişikliği…



Chief Editor

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Change your attitude before the climate changes

İklim değişmeden tutum değişikliği…

Just like the biological evolution of humans, which has been going on for a hundred thousand years, the sociological and psychological evolution has also continued. Our species has also developed its own social behaviors since they began to live in communities as they learned and improved how to use tools. Shortly, our biological evolution continues in psychological and sociological dimensions.

Even though our universe, which is evolving from chaos to cosmos, has coded the default setting of human beings that we mentioned in the above paragraph into its nature, humanity has tended to evaluate its egocentric approach in a cultural mention. In this context, social rules have developed more and more every day since the hunter-gatherer period. Totems have evolved into religions, religions have evolved into moral and legal rules, and legal rules have evolved into ethical and universal legal rules. Today, the law and ethical rules are evolving towards algorithms, the extension of big data.

With the social rules that digital technology is transforming into algorithms, radical precautions are sought for threats against an uncontrolled power to destroy the world or the civilizational accumulations brought by mankind these days. Mankind has realized that the destruction caused to the environment, largely due to economic competition, will render today’s world unlivable, and that this is about to reach irreparable dimensions, and in this context, global action unions and environmental standards have begun to be put forward. We have devoted our next issue to the topic of Global Climate Change. Articles on this topic are starting to come in. We are afraid that all of them will not be able to reach the next issue and will hang on to our December issue. Okumaya devam et

Quest for normalization in urban areas



Chief Editor

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Quest for

normalization in urban areas


normalleşme arayışları

Prolonging from a Few Weeks to a Few Years!

If we remember, the leaders of the countries and Ministers of Health were making full statements in the first weeks of the epidemic process that this epidemic would end in a week or two. Some of them have known that pandemics could prolong for two or three years.

The people of the urban life, who had difficulties entering the houses at first now they are still getting used to the streets in the process of after 2.5 years. They don’t know how long the masks will be used from now on.

While normalization processes continue in urban areas, all humanity has brought its cold and cautious status with the digital world to its default setting of warm and close. Now, in a way that will never be the same as before, the masses in the urban area would not break away from digital but would become more and more stuck with it and even merge with it. As such, urban space designs would require much more atomized and much more modular solutions than before. Maybe, the urban people in digital clothes will be lost in the digital networks of the streets with wearable technologies, who knows! Okumaya devam et