From Editor-in Chief: Humanity Calls for Biophilic Design for Ergonomics

HumanityCalls for Biophilic Designfor Ergonomics

Assist.Prof.Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Editor-in-Chief | On Behalf of ICAM Network Editorial Board

Circularity, due to being the default setting of life, has become a concept that extends to circular economy, circular environmental systems and the circularity of renewable energies, and has become increasingly widespread in terms of use and thought. This process has also brought about humanity’s search for reducing the negative effects on humans, both physically, socially and psychologically, by adding biophilic additions to concrete, plastic and even plasmatic reinforcements in urban areas.

In this issue, we have addressed the search for a reinterpretation of the importance of sustainability in urban areas with our titles such as the importance of water-sensitive urban planning within the scope of adaptation to climate change, productive artificial intelligence solutions for smart cities, harmonization of interior designs in hospitals, accommodation facilities, urban transportation terminals and/or mega structures with nature, etc.

The ongoing crises and cold/hot wars between countries, and the destruction of some world heritage structures without recycling are great misfortunes for humanity. The fact that other developed and modern countries of the world remain silent about what is happening under the reality of the destruction of the weak within the capitalist system is a mental eclipse and tragedy. Unfortunately, all of humanity will remember this tragedy with the warmth of being alive right now, and the future human generation will place it with an imperceptible bitter smile at the cost of the destruction of the world’s ecosystem by today’s wars. In addition to all of these, the fact that humanity is being imprisoned in an economic stranglehold by trying to make it chronic with the so-called financial crisis and manipulative operations is another misfortune and tragedy.

Our wish is that all the enlightened individuals with awareness around the world will join forces and join a synergy process to get out of this trap. We will be happy to contribute to this awareness process with our own opportunities and areas of work.


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