Editor-in Chief: Glo-Cal Distopya!

GloCal Dystopia!

10 orders (principles) were written in 12 languages ​​on the Georgia Guidestones monument, which was built in 1979 and was last destroyed by bombing on July 6, 2022. These principles were the principles of a one-world state sustainable human life in harmony with nature.

According to classical history, 300 thousand years have passed since Homo sapiens were first seen in the world, but it dates back to 300 thousand BC. We have no clear information other than archaic remains and guesses about what happened until the invention of writing in the 3200s. However, from the invention of writing Okumaya devam et

Dergimizin Yeni Sayısı (Cilt 17, Sayı 2) Yayınlandı

Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 3/17/24

Year: 2024

Kent Akademisi Dergisi 2024 Yılından İtibaren Yılda 6 Sayı Yayınlıyor

Bu yıl 17. cildini (2024 Cilt 17, Sayı 1 / Volume 17, Issue 1) yayınlayan Kent Akademisi Dergisi, 2024 başından itibaren yılda 6 sayı (iki ayda bir / bi-monthly) yayınlanmaya başladı.

Akademik yayıncılıkta en az üç hakemli olma, tüm süreçlere ilişkin yönergesi bulunma ve bu yönergelere göre yayın yapma, okur, yazar ve editör odaklı hizmet sunma, Türkiye’nin tüm coğrafyasına eşit dağılma gibi ilkleriyle ve kalite ilkeleriyle öne çıkan Kent Akademisi Dergisi baş editörü Dr. Ahmet FİDAN, yeni 2024’ün ilk sayısında şu açıklamalarda bulundu:

Dergimize okurlarımız ve yazarlarımız tarafından yöneltilen Okumaya devam et

Editor-in Chief: Beyond Smart Cities | Akıllı Kentlerin Ötesi

Beyond Smart Cities

Until yesterday, linear perception is evolving towards holographic view today.

Hello dear readers, authors and editors who supported us during the publication process, and our distinguished referees, whose number exceeds thousands.

Agricultural, industrial, information society and, as I have called it for more than ten years, the cybersapience society, are moving past Toffler’s third wave, passing Industry 4.0 and then moving towards Industry 5.0.

The world, which we have viewed as planar until now, has turned into a micro holographic universe within a quarter of a century. In thought and design, preparations are being made to move horizontal and vertical spaces to toroidal structures, and toroidal structures to the etheric and energy-cyclic dimension through augmented reality. On the other hand, while the average human lifespan is Okumaya devam et

Dergimizin Ocak Sayısı (Cilt 17, Sayı 1) Yayınlandı

Okumaya devam et